If you find yourself in a difficult situation, whether its financial, emotional, or spiritual, take a look at our various service ministries. We want to walk with you during your time of need. 

If you would like to serve in one of our ministries, contact our Parish Life Coordinator Amy Moore at (720) 348-9700 x210 or amym@stmarkhr.org.

Communion to the Sick & Homebound

The St. Mark Christophers ministry take Communion to UC Health Hospital, as well as to members of our parish who are homebound. The time required is 2…

Grief Ministry

If you are grieving the loss of a loved one, we want to walk with you on this journey and share with you the healing…
Diane Schlatterbeck

Legion of Mary

“...their Queen was there before they assembled. She stood waiting to receive the enrolments of those whom she knew were coming to her. They did not adopt her.…

Prayer Ministry

Are you in need of prayer? Our prayer ministry is a group of prayer warriors that pray for specific prayer requests from parishioners. Prayer requests…
Janet Scavuzzo

Prayer Shawls

St. Mark’s Prayer Shawl Ministry is devoted to creating handmade knitted/crocheted prayer shawls for those in need of comfort while undergoing medical procedures, a loss…

Respect Life

St. Mark’s Respect Life ministry leads the parish in many different activities throughout the year, all aimed at promoting the sanctity of all human life,…

St. Vincent de Paul

Are you in temporary need of financial support because of a loss or illness? Need short-term help meeting a rent or utility payment? Leave a…

Walking with Moms in Need

Walking with Moms in Need helps Catholic communities like St. Mark respond to the needs of pregnant and parenting women. Thirteen women in our parish…

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