Jesus said, “Whoever receives you, receives me, and whoever receives me receives the One who sent me” (Matthew 10:40).

Do you love to provide a warm welcome? Are you someone who likes to keep things running smoothly? Our ushers are instrumental in fostering an inviting and well-run environment during our busy Sunday Masses. If you would like to be part of this important ministry, read more below or contact Neil Chapman at or 949-485-1389.

Your willingness to serve God in the capacity as an usher reflects your commitment to Christ. Being willing to commit to a rotating schedule; to arrive on time and to be a friendly and welcoming presence to those coming to worship here at St. Mark is a further reflection of your commitment to serve this parish community. By creating a welcoming environment, and assuring orderly seating, handling of the offertory, and managing the flow of Holy Communion lines at all Masses, you enhance the beauty of the sacred liturgy and become an instrument through whom God may be present to those in worship.