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Dear Parishioners & Friends of St. Mark,

St. Mark Catholic Church is a parish rich in the tradition of faith and service. We are genuinely striving to live as a family of faith, witnessing the kingdom of God, and sharing that with our broader community. With that in mind, we are presented with an exciting opportunity to create a thriving new campus to serve St. Mark parishioners, and the greater Highlands Ranch community, for years to come.
As your pastor, I, along with the parish leadership, have the joy of asking you to participate in our Capital Campaign, “A Beacon of Truth and Beauty,” in support of our reimagined parish campus. This name is a reflection of our belief in honoring the Three Transcendentals.
Needless to say, while our parish is much more than the buildings, rooms, and outdoor spaces in which we gather, giving to the campaign is a way for us to make an investment in the future of our church and its people. It is an opportunity for all of us to become more closely united as a faith family, to individually and communally recommit ourselves to our faith and the presence of the Catholic Church here in Highlands Ranch, and to give the greatest glory to God.
Only by joining together in charity can we successfully achieve our campaign goals. Please read carefully the campaign brochure you received in the mail, or download the digital version below. I ask that you prayerfully consider your own commitment to this project. I pray that you will respond with a generous heart. Every gift makes a difference, and every prayer for God’s blessing on the campaign is essential. Thank you for your faithfulness and love. Together we shall build what God desires for St. Mark Catholic Church!
Per Mariam in Christo,

Fr. Greg Bierbuam, Pastor