Becoming Catholic

For 2,000 years the Catholic faith has been handed down from one generation to next, starting with Jesus Christ passing the faith to the Twelve Apostles. The Catholic Church welcomes all desiring full communion with Christ’s Church.

What is OCIA?

The Order of Christian Initiation for Adults (OCIA) is a journey of study, exploration, and faith-sharing for those seeking to enter and be in full communion with the Catholic Church.

OCIA is for adults and children (4th grade and older) who:

  • Have not been baptized
  • Were Baptized in another Christian tradition
  • Were Baptized Catholic and have not received the sacraments of Penance, Eucharist, and Confirmation.

Karol Seydel
(720) 348-9700, ext 216

Becoming Women of the Word

Thursdays at 6:30 pm for 10 weeks
Starts Jan. 16

Start 2025 with this new women’s Bible study and discover the ordinary women from the Old Testament whom God called to mission: women who struggled with emptiness, oppression, infertility, and loss—yet who found strength and hope in God. They faced the same questions we do when we can’t feel God’s presence: Where is God? Why should we trust Him? How can we trust Him?

​Register by Jan 2 for discounted book rate! This study will last 10 weeks, and use the book Becoming Women of the Word by Sarah Christmyer. Click the button below to register.

Marriage Enrichment Retreat

Day and a half:
Friday, Jan. 24: 6:30–8:30 pm
Saturday, Jan. 25: 8:30 am–7:00 pm

Led by Dr. Mario Sacasa, licensed marriage therapist with 20 years of marriage counseling.

Dr Mario will unpack the logic of love in couples’ communication and intimacy. No matter how “aged” your marriage may be, this retreat will help you discover the special reserve of God’s grace in your marriage. Meals will be provided, and childcare will be available.

Adult Confirmation

Eight weeks beginning Feb. 4

Are you a baptized Catholic who missed out on the Sacrament of Confirmation? Our 8-week Adult Confirmation course prepares you to receive this beautiful sacrament. We will meet Tuesdays from 7–8:30 pm. ​A copy of your baptism certificate is required.