To whom much is given…

Jesus received all from God and lived each day giving it away out of love for us. It was through this act of self-emptying that He rose from the dead and went on to eternal life. Let us strive to imitate His perfect life of stewardship! Our Stewardship Renewal is a practical way to mold our life to the life of Christ. It is by making commitments in Time, Talent, and Treasure that we can imitate Jesus’ life to receive and give. 

Stewardship Reminder

We want to thank all who have turned in a commitment card for our Stewardship Renewal. If you have not been able to do so, please take some time today or this week to pray about how you will offer a portion of your time, talent, and treasure back to God in the coming year. Just bring your completed card to Mass and drop it in the collection basket during the offertory. You may also complete your commitment online below. Thank you for your dedication to our parish family!

Online Commitment Card

Learn more about our ministries:

Stewardship Handbook