St. Mark’s Prayer Shawl Ministry is devoted to creating handmade knitted/crocheted prayer shawls for those in need of comfort while undergoing medical procedures, a loss or in need of peace, patience and strength during an illness or recovery. Each prayer shawl is blessed and made ready for delivery.
Who We Are
- Our ministry combines the wonderful fellowship found in our church and community with our talents of knitting and crocheting to create Prayer Shawls to be given for times of sickness and of joy.
When We Meet
- We are going to meet the 3rd Saturday of the Month from 9:00–10:30 am at St. Mark (downstairs).
What to Knit/Crochet
- This St. Mark Prayer Shawl Booklet has been developed to provide an overall direction to the ministry. For the upcoming year, we will be asking the ministry knitters and crocheters to select from patterns that have been proven to work best for traditional prayer shawls.