The role of the usher is to offer a friendly, welcoming presence to those coming to worship, provide assistance in securing seating for latecomers, assist in taking up the collection and direct the assembly at Communion. An usher may also be called upon to assist in an emergency situation. In addition, ushers disseminate the parish bulletin and tidy-up the church after Mass.
The greeters ministry is an easy way to get involved either as an individual or as a whole family. Greeters are the first faces people see when they come to our parish so while the job is easy, the impact is deep. Our biggest goals are to put a smile on people’s faces and to help them feel welcome and comfortable about joining us for Mass. We do this by opening the doors before Mass and welcoming those who are coming in.
Requirements are simple; the ability to say “Hello, and welcome to St. Mark!” and to offer a hand shake to all who enter based on your personal comfort level. Kids, ages 0-100, are perfect for this ministry as they are natural welcomers so please consider joining this ministry as an individual, a family or a couple.