01/20/2019 12:30am

Teaching Mass with Father Bierbaum
January 30th • 6:30pm

Father Bierbaum will explain the deep and rich symbolism of the various actions and parts of the Mass. A better understanding of “why we do what we do” allows us to truly be fully aware of what we are doing, be prayerfully engaged, and enriched by the grace that flows from the Sacred Liturgy. It is the source and summit of the Christian life!

Teaching Mass with Father Bierbaum
January 30th • 6:30pm

Father Bierbaum will explain the deep and rich symbolism of the various actions and parts of the Mass. A better understanding of “why we do what we do” allows us to truly be fully aware of what we are doing, be prayerfully engaged, and enriched by the grace that flows from the Sacred Liturgy. It is the source and summit of the Christian life!