02/17/2018 12:00am

Diaper and Wipes Collection

In our community, there are hundreds of families with small children that are under-resourced. Many can’t afford diapers for their children. One of our partner charity organizations, Love INC will be assisting this need.

You can help! Here’s how:
*Purchase diapers and/or wipes and drop them in the Narthex ideally, any time before or after Mass
*All size diapers and wipes are needed, especially sizes 4-6

Please return your donations on or before Sunday, February 25, 2018

Thank you for your generosity!
Mary Savage mhsavage@hotmail.com | Celeste Lafferty at calaffe@comcast.net

Diaper and Wipes Collection

In our community, there are hundreds of families with small children that are under-resourced. Many can’t afford diapers for their children. One of our partner charity organizations, Love INC will be assisting this need.

You can help! Here’s how:
*Purchase diapers and/or wipes and drop them in the Narthex ideally, any time before or after Mass
*All size diapers and wipes are needed, especially sizes 4-6

Please return your donations on or before Sunday, February 25, 2018

Thank you for your generosity!
Mary Savage mhsavage@hotmail.com | Celeste Lafferty at calaffe@comcast.net